Sunday, March 23, 2008

Family Vacation!

We took a trip to San Diego for spring break last week. We rented a house a block from the beach, loaded up the family and dog and spent 7 days on vacation. A quick recap...
Day 1
Drove from Vegas to San Diego and arrived in time to watch the sun set

Day 2
Spent the day at Sea World. Watched the dolphin, whale and Shamu shows. Tortured AJ on the big roller coaster (he was terrified - I don't think he will be riding on one anytime soon!). Explored the animal displays - AJ especially enjoyed the Shark exhibit and the uncaged flamingos.

Day 3

Spent the day at the beach...

A regular tidepool scavenger showed AJ some of his findings...

Day 4
San Diego Zoo -
AJ has decided that he will one day own his own Burmese Python. He said when he grows up and moves to his own house he is going to build his snake its own house in his backyard...that way grandma can still visit him!

Haley called EVERYTHING from the birds to the monkeys a "doggy"... She loved all the animals...

Until we got back to the beach house where she played with a REAL doggy (grandma's new puppy)...

Today was also James's birthday so we had to have birthday cake (of course)
Wow...that's a lot of smoke!

Day 5
Another day at the beach...we drove to Coronado Island and spent time at the Hotel Del Coronado beach. AJ spent his time jumping around in the water. It was a great beach to find tiny sand dollars.

Day 6

At the zoo again...

Back to the beach in time play and see the sunset again.

Day 7
One last day at Sea World...

Monday, March 10, 2008

A garden for spring

AJ helped me replant the gladiola bulbs from last year. He loved the digging part- he would have dug a swimming pool if I let him keep going!

Cleaning off the old bulbs...

Of course, the best part was watering them...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday snooze...

Back in business - finally went out and purchased our new camera. We're back to posting updated photos...hooray!