Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Good days and bad days...

You have to have bad days in order to appreciate the good ones, right? Haley has been limping for a few weeks and won't put much weight on her right leg. So far we've had blood tests, Xrays, and MRIs done that left us with no answers. The MRI showed fluid behind her knee and swollen lymph nodes indicating it could be an infection. Her white blood count was elevated so she was scheduled for surgery last week to "irrigate" her knee. During the surgery they also tested the fluid and did a biopsy of the tissue. We are still waiting for the results but the doctor seems to think it is probably juvenile rheumatiod arthritis. We will know more as the test results come back and we will also be seeing a pediatric arthritis specialist in July (she only comes to town twice a month). Two days after the surgery, Haley was up bouncing around. Today she is actually walking just as well (if not better) than before her surgery.


Patti said...

Poor Haley!! I hope it is not juvenile rheumatoid arthritis :(
Glad she was up and on the move again so quickly though.

Jennifer said...

Poor baby! I'm glad she's up and feeling better. Please post something as soon as test results are in. We'll be sure to keep your sweet babe in our prayers. oxoxox

Jennifer said...

Any news on Haley? I think about that sweet little thing everyday!