Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sad attempt at catching up...

We've been busy and I obviously have not kept up my blog. So here's my sad, sad attempt at a quick glance at the past couple of months...



We surprised the kids for Christmas and took them to Disneyworld. Our friends, Derek and Patti (with their daughter Allison) have a timeshare at the Disneyworld resort and invited us to go along. We had a great time... Here are a bunch of random photos. Some are at the park and others are back at the room where we went swimming in the middle of December....crazy!

We drove up to Utah to visit James' family before Christmas... SNOW!


AJ won an award at school. His school has been studying "profiles" since the beginning of the year. They've learned what it means to be *Principled, *Communicator, *Risk Taker, *Caring, *Knowledgable and *Open-minded. AJ received the "Communicator" award for his ability to use his knowledge and share it with others in his class.

We also went to his school fair...BOTH Haley and AJ won goldfish which unfortunately are no longer with us :(


Halloween was a blast! We went Trick or Treating around our neighborhood and ended up with a TON of candy! We had a family theme going: AJ was a Kansas City Chiefs football player, Haley was their cheerleader, James was the crazy fan, and I was the referee.

James and I went on our first cruise - from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas. My parents came up and watched the kids and the dog so we had our first vacation since before AJ was born without the little ones. It was really fun...would love to do a cruise again!

1 comment:

Patti said...

Great update! I had to laugh because I see you guys have all the same Hallmark singing snowmen that we have. My mother in law provides us with a new one every year. We have a choir now. ;)